I have been collecting manga for a long time and currently read a lot of BL...
Hadashi no Tenshi
Title: はだしの天使 (Barefoot Angel) Author: Nonomiya Ito Release Date: June 10, 2021 Publisher: Libre (Be Boy Comics Deluxe) The cover picture of this one caught my attention and after reading the synopsis and reviews, I decided to pick it up. This is the debut manga for this manga-ka. It is a beautiful story about a former angel who committed a sin and had his wings removed (and was expelled from heaven), and Turner a kind-hearted shoe maker. The story takes place in England and starts on a cold winter day where 25-year-old Turner finds a young man sitting on a bench in light clothing and no shoes. After talking to him and lending his coat, Turner takes him home and gives... Continue reading→