Title: スモーキーネクター Author: Minazuki Akira Release Date: November 24, 2020 Publisher: Taiyo Tosho (H&C Comics ihr Hertz series) I usually don’t read a lot manga where vampires appear, but I liked Nakanai Hibari so I picked up this one too.
Osananajimi to Hajimeru Aijin Keiyaku
Title: 幼なじみと始める愛人契約 (Starting a Misteress Contract with a Childhood Buddy) Author: Syzygy Sani Release Date: August 19, 2020 Publisher: Bright Publishing (Tulle Comics) This is another manga that caught my eye because of the positive reviews. It has comedic moments
Books to Buy in 2021: May edition
This is the list of newly released manga I plan to buy in May. Only physical books are included. May 5/01 秒で分かるBL 死神は殺せない 三日ミタ 757円 Shinigami wa Korosenai by Mikka Mita (BL manga) 5/10 フラワーコミックス 神無月紫子の優雅な暇潰し 2 赤石路代 499円 Kannazuki
BL Award 2021 Ranking Results
As you may know the BL review site Chill Chill holds the BL Awards each year. This year was the 12th edition of it. You can find the results on their site here: https://www.chil-chil.net/blAwardRank/y/2021/ I started voting for my favourites
Title: 猫かわいがりたいっ! Author: Yamada Shimako Release Date: October 25, 2019 Publisher: Kasakura Publishing (Cult Comics Equal Collection) This manga contains two stories and what is common about the two is that the same cat cafe appears in them. This manga
Sad news
Sorry for the lack of updates. I have been busy recently and have not been reading much. Also, I was feeling really down the other day. This was because Honto sent an email telling you that they are stopping overseas