Title: スモーキーネクター Author: Minazuki Akira Release Date: November 24, 2020 Publisher: Taiyo Tosho (H&C Comics ihr Hertz series) I usually don’t read a lot manga where vampires appear, but I liked Nakanai Hibari so I picked up this one too.
Ao to Gent
Title: 青とジェント Author: Akihira Shiro Release Date: August 3, 2020 Publisher: Taiyou Tosho (H&C Comics CRAFT series) I’ve always loved this manga-ka’s works and this one is no different. It’s a very cute story and like usual it has a
Nakanai Hibari
Title: なかないひばり Author: Minazuki Akira Release Date: July 15, 2020 Publisher: Taiyou Tosho (H&C comics ihr Hertz series) The story is about a photographer Kiyosumi who lives with his late friend’s younger brother Hibari. Kiyosumi took him in because he
Yuuzutsu wa Ai ni Tokeru
Title: ゆうづつは藍にとける Author: Aoi Aki Release Date: September 1, 2020 Publisher: Taiyo Tosho (H&C Comics ihr Hertz Series) If you are looking to read a slow paced but gentle BL manga, this is the one. It reads like a piece