Title: 玉の輿ご用意しました Story: Kuriki Shinobu Art: Takao Hiroi Release Dates: March 25, 2020 (Vol. 1), March 25, 2021 (Vol. 2) Publisher: Tokuma Shoten (Chara Comics) I had ordered the first volume when it came out but it got lost in the
Back to writing reviews/recommendations
On Monday Canada had our federal elections and as usual I worked at it. This year I worked as the Registration Officer and was stationed at a nearby condominium. They actually didn’t tell me until two days before so at
Title: Lottery Author: Iragi Nanori Release Date: August 10, 2021 Publisher: Libre Publishing (Be Boy Comics Deluxe) I like stories that have convenience store settings so I didn’t hesitate to pick up this one. In fact, it is the cover
Blue Note
Title: ブルーノート Author: Tsukahara Saki Release Date: October 22, 2018 Publisher: Frontier Works (Daria Comics) I bought this one during the Daria Comic fair where you could get a special “paper” with each manga you buy. I read the synopsis of
To Aru Shuju no Koi no Hanashi
Title: と或る主従の恋のはなし (A Love Story Between the Master and Me) Author: Ariki Eiko Release Date: June 5, 2021 Publisher: Houbunsha (Hanaoto Comics) This one is another one I picked up because I liked the cover drawing and also because the
Fukurou no Koiwazurai
Title:フクロウの恋わずらい (Lovesickness of Owl) Author: Kazami Yuki Release Date: March 5, 2021 Publisher: Sanko-sha (Charles Comics) As an owl lover, I really had to pick up this title, whether it was good or not. The last manga I read with
Sweet Our 1R
Title: スイートアワー1R (Sweet Our 1 Room) Author: Kamoburger Release Date: April 10, 2020 Publisher: Libre (Be Boy Comics Deluxe) I picked this one up because the couple on the cover looked cute together. Apparently it’s a spin-off of a one-shot
Akari to Kare wa Nayamashii Vols. 1-2
Title: あかりと彼はなやましい Author: Tsurukame Mayo Release Dates: February 20, 2019 (Vol. 1), July 19, 2021 (Vol. 2) Publisher: Libre Publishing (Be Boy P!) This is by the same manga-ka as Perfect Propose and I liked that one so when I
The summer is over
After taking a long summer break I am now back to writing reviews. It was a busy summer especially with the vegetable garden and morning glories but I have survived. The vegetable garden was chaos because squirrels and raccoons decided
Hadashi no Tenshi
Title: はだしの天使 (Barefoot Angel) Author: Nonomiya Ito Release Date: June 10, 2021 Publisher: Libre (Be Boy Comics Deluxe) The cover picture of this one caught my attention and after reading the synopsis and reviews, I decided to pick it up. This