Title: Lottery Author: Iragi Nanori Release Date: August 10, 2021 Publisher: Libre Publishing (Be Boy Comics Deluxe) I like stories that have convenience store settings so I didn’t hesitate to pick up this one. In fact, it is the cover
Sweet Our 1R
Title: スイートアワー1R (Sweet Our 1 Room) Author: Kamoburger Release Date: April 10, 2020 Publisher: Libre (Be Boy Comics Deluxe) I picked this one up because the couple on the cover looked cute together. Apparently it’s a spin-off of a one-shot
Hadashi no Tenshi
Title: はだしの天使 (Barefoot Angel) Author: Nonomiya Ito Release Date: June 10, 2021 Publisher: Libre (Be Boy Comics Deluxe) The cover picture of this one caught my attention and after reading the synopsis and reviews, I decided to pick it up. This
Hitodenai Ookami Vols. 1-2
Title: 人でない狼 Author: 元ハルヒラ Release Dates: January 10, 2020 (Vol. 1), January 9, 2021 (Vol. 2) Publisher: Libre Publishing (Be Boy Comics Deluxe) Moto Haruhira’s works are generally a sweet and relaxing read so I naturally picked up this title.
Daisy Jealousy
Title: Daisy Jealousy Author: Ogerestu Tanaka Release Date: November 10, 2020 Publisher: Libre This is one of the best single volume reads for 2020. I am glad I picked up this title, and from now on I will automatically buy